HAZ Metal Worldwide Service
HAZ Metal is known as a high quality and reliable service provider for the design and supply of fixing systems to the construction industry for facade applications.The main advantage of HAZ Metal is the ability to custom design fixing systems and to provide fast production to meet the time restraint requirements of projects. The design and supply is done in accordance with international standards and more importantly with our customers’ expectations.
HAZ Metal works hard to be a reliable and satisfactory service provider for façade fixing systems design and supply. A satisfactory service is recognized as the means of offering complete technical support to our clients with maximum flexibility in production and the fastest possible delivery times.
In order to provide this service, HAZ Metal has invested in new machinery and automated lines. At the factory, there are many types of different machines which provides the possibility of making a wide range of operations to stainless steel and steel forming and welding. This allows us to carry out most operations for small and medium sized production series on our own premises.
HAZ Metal has also established close ties for Fixing Systems component suppliers in order to complement their products with fasteners and accessories.
Investments have also been made in software and human resources. Operation performances have been improved threw office automation software. Periodic staff training for product and functional are organized for improving the knowledge and skills of HAZ personnel. HAZ Metal is committed to maintain and improve the level of service in order to satisfy their customers.
Worldwide Presence
To support the ambitions of the company and form a strong network where HAZ can cover the worldwide market, HAZ Metal has established its own companies in prime locations around the world With this network, the company shows its presence globally.
HAZ Metal has more than 200 employees working both in Turkey and in its foreign branches. Along with a sales office in Istanbul, Turkey, there are HAZ branches in Germany, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, the Russian Federation, Qatar, Egypt and Singapore. HAZ Metal also has the means of distributing its products through their representatives in many more countries in Europe and the middle east.
With this network, HAZ Metal reaches out closer to its clients, to provide better services to meet local requirements. The company is determined to define the demand of their customers and offer them economical and flexible solutions to benefit them in todays competitive construction industry.
Technical Service
Offering technical services to specialist sub contractors, construction companies, designers and architects have been the most important drive of the company. We have worked together with our clients to formulate and implement the most suitable and secure fixing systems to be used on major projects around the world. The technical team are used being engaged with the project from beginning till the end for the successful execution of the façade works.
HAZ Metal believes in working hand in hand with its customers, providing with customers, providing design support and structural calculations for its products. The company’s engineering teams provide services in design, fixing positioning, structural calculations, shop drawings and scheduling.>